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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Inhabited by Perfect Love

This was written after we completed our class study in this book. It is so clear and so profound, and that last sentence has burrowed its way into my heart:… the unimaginable truth that we are inhabited by perfect love…wow! Thank you Susanne!
Susanne Johnson’s view of Jim Robbins’ book, Recover Your Good Heart
This message is radically different from the traditional view that our hearts continue to be totally depraved even after we have believed the good news of Jesus. Scripture tells us that our old hearts were replaced with good hearts once we believed the gospel and that this heart transplant is necessary in order for us to be in relationship with our creator.
The nature of this relationship is about being rather than doing. Our value is found in Christ within and not in how well we obey the rules or do good stuff. This can be intimidating to those who have been conditioned to believe their worth resides in their behavior. It takes courage to admit that we don't have all the answers and that we have made big mistakes. That puts us in a vulnerable position and that vulnerability becomes a sign of genuine longing for closeness with our Lord. We give up what we think we know for the real thing. It is a paradox: give up our life in order to have life.
As we become more aware and are able to practice renewing of the mind to agree with the new heart, we begin to recognize, love, and respect the Spirit in each other and trust that our deepest desires are for love. When we doubt we can remind ourselves of the unimaginable truth that we are inhabited by perfect love.
See more at:


  1. Susanne's words "...we begin to recognize, love,
    and respect the Spirit in each other..." speaks so loudly to my heart. I've always seen this as real evidence that God is love who is all about
    relating to and with us. I can think of no greater beauty than that of our Holy Spirit. I can think of no greater joy than knowing HE LIVES within our hearts always. I have stopped
    beating my own self up about not being good enough(my standards not God's) because that takes away from the joy HE wants me to share
    with HIM and others. Susanne the Spirit of our
    Lord shines brightly in you. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. A test comment to confirm accuracy of changes
    Jim F


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